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Jamie Porter Ltd
Unit 4, Orchard Road, Royston, Herts
Tel: +44 (0)1763 245481
Web: www.alfaworkshop.co.uk

VAT Reg No Tax Date Invoice Number
676948269 17/10/2022 111904
Invoice To
ModelAlfasud Sprint 1.5L Flat 4
Chassis No
Service Description/PartQuantityRateAmountVAT
Carry out oil and filter change 1.0099.0099.0016.50
- OIL filter 1 6.60 6.60 1.10
- ENGINE oil 1 48.00 48.00 8.00
Replace fan switch0.00
- RADIATOR FAN SWITCH 1 5.29 5.29 0.88
Replace washer pump and valve0.00
- IN LINE VALVE 1 5.21 5.21 0.87
- WINDSCREEN WASHER PUMP 12 VOLT 1 28.80 28.80 4.80
Replace cv boot clip 0.00
- cv boot clip 1 2.40 2.40 0.40
Investigate head lights not working, traced to fuse box connections, rectified and now all working correctly 1.0099.0099.0016.50
Supplied and fitted a new o.s.f wheel bearing 1.2599.00123.7520.63
- WHEEL BEARING 1 94.39 94.39 15.73
Made one good working speedo out of the two 1.5099.00148.5024.75
There is power in the glove box for a stereo but no speaker wires etc, we would advise a car audio centre to fit this as we do not carry our in car entertainment work 0.00
Totals 660.94 110.16

We use only Alfa Romeo genuine, recommended or OEM parts.
More info on this vehicles service history available on our website
All goods remain the property of Jamie Porter Ltd until paid for in full.


Account Name - Jamie Porter Ltd
Account Number - 00677370
Sort Code - 30-97-16

Paid by Card:    £660.94
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